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Frequently asked questions

  • Before the final registration date of the 3rd semester, students should submit the Application for Dissertation Advisor to the Program Office while choosing an advisor and decide the dissertation title and outline.

  • With the approval of their advisor, students can have a co-advisor from another department within NDHU or another university in Taiwan. The co-advisor's name must be included in the Application for Dissertation Advisor.

  • With the approval of the Program Director, students can change their advisor only once throughout their study. Submit the Application for Changing Advisor to the Program Office to report this case.

  • It is necessary to obtain approval from the advisor and report any changes to the Program Office by submitting the Application for Changing Dissertation Title.

  • If you've taken a similar class before, you may be able to waive the credit for that class. Here's what you need to do:

    1. Follow NDHU's Credit Waiver Policy for relevant matters.

    2. You can take up to 6 credits of electives at the doctoral or master level in other departments at NDHU or at another university in Taiwan if the Program Affairs Committee approves. Courses offered by an in-service graduate program won't count as professional electives.

    3. Download the recognition form from the NDHU credit waiver system.

    4. Submit the form to the Program Office by following the academic calendar for each semester.

    * Some policies may have different terminologies for referring to a credit waiver, but they all have the same meaning.

  • The equivalences allow students to take courses outside the Program or the College of Indigenous Studies to help their research best. You must:

    1. Fill out the Application for Acknowledgment of Equivalent or Comparable Courses and sign by the course lecturer or Department Chair.

    2. Submit the application to the Program Office.

  • Use your NDHU Gmail account to log in and complete online courses at the Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education (AREE). The default password is the last five digits of your student ID.

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