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NDHU Subsidy

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NDHU Grant for Ph.D. Students Attending Conference Overseas

NDHU provides grant for Ph.D. students to attend overseas conferences and present their research to the world. To be eligible for the funding, make sure to check the following requirements before you apply.

  • Applicants are eligible who:

    1. Must be current NDHU students who have studied at the doctoral level for more than one academic year.Students who hold a master's degree from NDHU and pursue a doctoral degree cannot include their previous academic years in their enrollment duration.

    2. Apply for the NSTC grant to attend an overseas conference before applying for the university grant. No university grant will be given if the NSTC grant is not applied for. If you are unable to reapply to the NSTC in the same year due to having received its funding previously, you may attach the acceptance letter to your university grant application.

    3. Applicants are limited to one subsidy in the same fiscal year.

    4. Papers presented at the conference must be published under the name of National Dong Hwa University with no abbreviation. If published under the name of the department, the university's name must be appended.

    5. The paper should have been reviewed and accepted at least one week before the conference. 

    6. Each paper can be subsidized only once.

  • The host or co-organizer of the conference held in China, Hong Kong, and Macao must be an international organization.

    • The subsidy shall be advanced by the grantee.

    • The grantee must submit a report after the conference which includes the full text or abstract of the paper, along with the certificate of acceptance for publication.

    • Reimbursement should be completed within one month after the grantee return to Taiwan and be handled in accordance with the relevant accounting procedures of the university.

    • Those who do not complete the required procedure in time will not be considered for the following year's application.

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